Instantiating an Extraction SettingΒΆ

To instantiate an ExtractionSetting, you need four arguments.

You need a bitrate , a number of channels , a sampling rate , and a sound volume.

The bitrate, channels, and sampling rate should all be above 0.

The volume, however, can be 0 (to mute it). Otherwise, it also follows the requirement that it must be greater or equal to 0.


The bitrate unit is set to bits per second. This means that you should set it to something like 160,000 bits per second (for 160 kbps) and not 160!

Channels should only be set to 1 or 2.

Finally, the sampling rate is set in hertz. So if you wanted to set the audio for 44.1 kHz, use 44,100, and not 44.1!


160_000 -> Bitrate of Audio
1 -> Channels for Audio
44_100 -> Sampling Rate of Audio
50 -> Volume of Audio

final ExtractionSetting setting = new ExtractionSetting(160_000, 1, 44_100, 50);

There is also a builder if you need to use it, but typically four arguments is enough.