Using a Resourcepack Wrapper

Wrapping a resourcepack is not easy as you need to make sure to place all the files in the correct areas.


For more information about resourcepacks, visit:

The resourcepack wrapper in MinecraftMediaLibrary’s case uses sound to be wrapped.

Creating a Resourcepack Wrapper

To create a resourcepack wrapper, we will be using the ResourcepackWrapper class. It requires an instance of the library, a path to which the resourcepack should be built, a path to the audio, a path to the icon (set to null if you don’t want one), a description, and a packFormat.

The audio should be a path to an ogg file. The icon file should lead to a png file named “pack.png”. The description should be a non-null description that can be empty. Finally, the packFormat is a format used to set the version of the pack that should be used (which varies per Minecraft version). Also, there is a builder that can be used to assist with this.


setPath("C://") -> Sets output path of resourcepack.

setDescription("Example Resourcepack") -> Sets description of resourcepack.

setAudio("C://audio.ogg") -> Sets audio to the ogg file.

setIcon("C://pack.png") -> Sets icon to the png file.

setPackFormat(6) -> Sets the pack-format to 6 (1.16).


final MinecraftMediaLibrary library = ...;

final ResourcepackWrapper wrapper =
    .setDescription("Example Resourcepack")

MinecraftMediaLibrary allows you to also convert a YoutubeExtraction (explained in the extraction section) to a ResourcepackWrapper if necessary. Just use the ResourcepackWrapper#of method. The method also accepts a sound for a prebuilt pack if you are lazy.

final ResourcepackWrapper wrapper = ResourcepackWrapper.of(extractor, library);

Building the Resourcepack

After creating the ResourcepackWrapper, call the buildResourcePack() method to build the resourcepack at the target folder.

Method Events

When creating a ResourcepackWrapper, you may override the onResourcepackBuild() method to be called right before the pack is created. Note however that you cannot use the builder and must use the constructor (for anonymous class definition).